Anna Schmidt
My 35+ year path of psychic awareness has led me to work as a Paranormal Specialist & House Healer. Paranormal specialist, you may ask, what that means?... I am a 54-year-old energy-sensitive woman who can feel the presence of lower vibrational beings within people's homes and sometimes within people's energy fields. I have developed respectful and compassionate methods to deal with troublesome nonliving energies that insist on inhabiting people's homes... generally uninvited! And restore the positive energy of homes & their inhabitants.
I love educating people about paranormal beings especially dark and demonic beings as they are an energetic part of our environment. These beings are often overlooked as evil, bad or downright dangerous, BUT once you understand their intentions and behaviours, they play a pivotal role in balancing universal energy.
Visit my website: spiritualbe-ing.com.au for all house & personal energy clearing information