Perfectly Paranormal
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Perfectly Paranormal
#71 Reading to spirit children & the mirror man: Brett's interview
Today, we are speaking with Brett Reader. Brett is a mate of mine and a keen paranormal enthusiast who is here today to share some of his fascinating personal paranormal experiences with you and what shocked him, made him laugh and also melted his heart during a ghostly experience in a local old abandoned building. It was an experience he will never forget.
PLEASE NOTE: Brett didn’t have an external microphone when recording this interview so the sound quality isn’t top notch but I enjoyed his fascinating stories and experiences and you will too.
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Available on - type - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt
INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC: - Deep in the dell by Geoff Harvey, Creepy whispering by Raspberry Tickle Creepy music box by Modification1089, Terro...
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host) Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
Hello and welcome to Perfectly Paranormal episode 71
My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about.
Today, we are speaking with Brett Reader. Brett is a mate of mine and a keen paranormal enthusiast who is here today to share some of his fascinating personal paranormal experiences with you and what shocked him, made him laugh and also melted his heart during a ghostly experience in a local old abandoned building. It was truly fascinating, an experience that he'll never forget.
Please note that Brett didn't have an external microphone when recording this interview. So the sound quality isn't really top notch, but you know what? Doesn't really matter. You'll enjoy his stories and experiences just as much as I did.
So sit back and get ready to hear what Brett has to say about his paranormal adventures. So welcome Brett.
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
Thanks for having me on the podcast.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
You're welcome. I love communicating with people from all around the world who've experienced paranormal anomalies. They have paranormal stories to share. So it's wonderful to have you here.
I know, we've had a conversation already, so I know some of your back stories, but would you like to share with people how you got into paranormal experiences, what it was like when you were a child, and sort of what led you into this love of the paranormal?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
Thinking back to the early days, I sort of had touches of paranormal from my late teens.
I had a girlfriend, and I went to her mum's place one night. And she said to me, I met her for the first time, and she said to me, um, have you told him? And she said no. And I looked at her and said, oh dear. I looked, I was thinking, my mind started racing. Thinking, what have I walked into? My girlfriend said, uh, I don't know if you believe it or not, but my mum's house is haunted.
It's got some residents. I said, oh, cool. I'm open minded. If something happens, it happens. But I didn't expect to see anything. A couple of weeks later when I was with my girlfriend and we were sitting on the bed talking, the next minute the cat that was sitting on the bed with us got up. And it just hissed at a corner of the bedroom.
It had its head standing up and my girlfriend had picked a nice dog and it had half rabbits. And it couldn't move very quickly. But, on this case, boy, that thing moved. It was barking out the corner, and it took off. It was trying to get traction on the vinyl floor, and it was slipping, and it virtually was going sideways around the corners, like it was going that quick to try to get out of the room.
That's the only real experience I had in the house. So that was probably the earliest time that I had any signs of paranormal experience.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
When we had our conversation at the cafe that day, you were telling me about your first home. Now, you had some really interesting experiences that you had there.
Would you like to share them with the listeners today?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
STORY: Our house on the buried cemetery
I married my girlfriend and bought the house on the back fence of my mother-in-law's. That was okay, and it was quite handy at times, and you'd go on to go see the in-laws, you'd just go over the back fence. But apparently, the houses were built on a hill, and the rumour was there was a cemetery on that hill.
A bullock team ran through the cemetery and smashed down all the gravestones, and they didn't know where the gravestones went, and so they, I think they, uh, uh, removed the cemetery altogether and built the houses on it, so I don't know if the residents from that cemetery, uh, populated the houses or not in that area.
STORY: The mirror energy
Quite an interesting story that I could explain why we had residents in our buildings. But yes, I lived in the house over the back fence. Never saw anything for a very long time happening in my house. But always heard little stories of little things happening at my mother-in-law's place. And she said, Oh, I had my auntie here and something happened and she got terrified and she went running, went running out of the house and that, and I said, well, that's great.
But I haven't seen anything. And that told me when my daughter was a teenager and I started seeing some strange things happening. I go past her bedroom and she has the door shut and I hear her talking to someone and I knock on the door and poke my head in. And there was no one there. She didn't have a mobile phone. She wasn't on a laptop. She was just in there talking to someone. I thought, well, that's strange. At night time I'd go past and she was talking to someone and I'd tap on the door and I'd wish her good night. She's sleeping on the floor, under the doona. Later on, she told me that a certain young man who used to visit her, used to play, play jokes on her or do things to her like remove the doona off her while she's trying to sleep on a cold night and turn the electric fan on to make her feel even colder and that sort of stuff.
And then I noticed any mirrors in the room, they were all covered up. And later I found out, she used to see him in the background, where she was, uh, brushing her hair or something, and he'd be standing in the background, talking to her. So, she ended up putting the cloth over the mirror.
That must have been really hard for her to understand who that was and why it was there.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Did she feel uncomfortable mentioning that to you? Did she sort of worry that you might think she might be a little bit crazy?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
I think she didn't know how to approach the subject, and to a mum who sort of understood that side of things a bit better, she probably had more of a conversation with her than she did with me.
But didn't seem to bother that much, like he wasn't overly, he used to throw things at her and come out of the bedroom with bruises on her arm. I probably don't know what we could have done to get him to move on. I do wonder why he was in the room. I'm sorry to hear that he was hurting your daughter by throwing things at her.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Sounds to me like he was a little bit upset or a little bit angry. Maybe there'd been a building there before that house was built and he's attached to that building. Or he could have lived there in that home before you moved in. Who knows? Or he could have come from the cemetery.
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
She said that he was wearing a sort of hat fom the early days.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Maybe. Maybe. And there was a lady at PTA as well, and she was really nice. But she was dressed in big flowing dresses and that, so. Your daughter sounds very psychic, like she can see these people, she can feel them, she knows they're there. And the other thing is too, he might have been showing himself to her because maybe he wanted help.
If she's very psychic, but she doesn't know it and she doesn't know how to use those skills, he might have been showing himself to her to say, please help me. Yeah, it's fascinating, isn't it?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
I've been told through a medium that she has a gift in that, and she's more gifted than she knows about, so I don't know if she ever wanted to pursue that.
STORY: Poking me in bed
There was a few years after that, when our marriage was breaking down, and, uh, a lot going on in the house. Bad energy was in the house and one night I was on the afternoon shift and I went to bed early to get some sleep. I ended up getting woken up by someone poking me on the arm and I woke up and looked around the room and there was no one in the room.
And then I went back to sleep. Then I woke up again and due to someone poking me again. And then I thought, well, I'm not gonna get in sleep, so I might as said, get up. So I got up and wife said to me, she said, oh, how come you up? And I said, well, I think we got a visitor. And so I sat on the floor and, and she said.
Yeah, we have got a visitor. The visitor is right beside you. And I said, I know, I can, I can feel them. And she said, yeah, they're sitting right beside you. An hour went by, an hour and a half went by, and then I felt nothing beside me. And then I thought, well, it's time to go to bed because I've got to go get up for the day shift the next day.
And I was on the afternoon shift. And there was no one in the house. The kids were at school. My wife went and visited her mum over the fence. I was totally alone in the house, and I got rudely awakened, and, um, what happened is I thought something touched my backside, which really startled me.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
I can imagine it would, oh my goodness.
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
I sort of woke up and looked around the room and there was no one there. And I was like a newborn baby lying on the mattress. I went to get the doona and it was totally gone. They had been completely pulled down to the end of the bed. It was, it wasn't just flicked off to the side, the doula was completely pulled off the bed and the sheep as well.
The whole lot was on the floor, and I thought, yep, I'm not sticking around. That's what I've got.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
We can laugh about it now. Wouldn't have been funny at the time though,
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
It terrified me a little bit. Yeah. The poking on the arm and this incident was only two incident that I had the whole time living in the house.
And we've been living in the house quite a series time and I'm getting up and getting dressed and I'm, I'm out there and I've run into a, a work counsellor at, at work. He was doing the rounds, I mentioned it to him and he said to me, he said, you look startled. And I said, well, I am a bit, and I told him the story and he goes, Oh, well, he said, that's a little bit out of my skill set, so I don't know how to help you on that one.
I said, what if it happens again? Well, he said, I suggest you sell your house.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Oh dear. Oh dear. Your next experience is fascinating:
The Blackbird Experience.
I'm dying for you to tell people. Sorry, probably a poor choice of words there. It would be great if you could share about the Blackbird that was in your bedroom. And then, and the sort of the occurrences that occurred after that.
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
That was an interesting day, we had a lot going on that one day. I had to sell the house, and I found a new partner, and I was living further up the northwest coast. Had to put the house on the market, and all that did was just clean my furniture out, and that's all I had to do, so. I got a friend, an old work colleague, to help give me a hand cleaning it out.
And he just lived down the road and he had a, he had a ute. So it was handy to transport everything up to the tip. He got there and he said, I'll, I'll come up. And this was towards the end of the cleaning up stage. We've been in there a good couple of weeks cleaning the house up. He went underneath the house with me.
The workshop had all my belongings there, wasn't a key. But right underneath the house were old drawers, ironing boards, and a lot of junk stuff that had to be taken up to the tip. He was cleaning down the house section and I was cleaning the workshop. And he told me to go up underneath the house with him. And this is probably the second last day in the house.
I was given the keys over in a couple of days. So we were really pushed to get everything out. And he told me to come underneath the house with him. And he told me, I'll clean all this out. What was left and he said, you're standing and I stood there and wondering what I was doing, just looking around, stepped out in the workshop and when he closed the door right behind him, I said to him, you were right and he goes, yeah, I'm fine, we've got all this section done, let's go back up in the top side of the house.
So we've got to start pulling the curtains down. William removed some wardrobes and they had already gone to the tip and that, so it was only me and Baird left in the room with the curtains. And he said I'll go to your bedroom. So we removed the curtains. I said, yeah, I'll start removing the curtains in the lounge room and start putting them in the garbage bag.
So he disappeared down the bedroom, and the next minute I heard him yelling out. I went down the scene. I said, what's wrong? He said, there was a blackbird where the wardrobe used to be. And we only moved that, that day. And he said, ‘We've been here the whole time. We've never seen a blackbird come into the house.’
And now we've got a dead blackbird in my bedroom, just lying there. He freaked out. He said, I can't, I'll grab the curtains and drag him out to the lounge room and, pack them in the garbage bag. And I said, okay. So we got out of that room and removed the blackbird later. When he went home, came out of the lounge room and put the curtains into the garbage bag.
And I told him to stop, and he goes, what? And I said, there was a tarot card stuck to the curtain. And you wouldn't believe it, but it was the tarot card of death. Now I know death is not necessarily people dying, but, that was it. That was enough to tip him over, and he said, no, no, I can't stay. So he went out to the driveway and started roping down the stuff we had ute.
And I started loading more curtains into the garbage bag. Brett, Brett, come help me. Come here. Help me. So I went running out to the driveway and looked around and he wasn't there. And here he is. He was under the conifer tree on the front lawn. I said, ‘What are you doing down there?’ He goes, ‘It pushed me, Brett, it pushed me.’
I said, what pushed you? It, it, it pushed me. He said, “I tied the rope 20 times. It unravelled the knot unravelled in front of his eyes. And then pushed him off the driveway, onto my front lawn.’ Wow!’ I said, ‘That's it, we'll shut up the house, we'll take the stuff up to the tip.’ And we went back to his place, and he sat down and had a cup of tea or two, calmed himself down and really, really freaked him out.
And he said, my daughter, “I walk her to school, and she always falls over in front of your house.’ There's nothing there on the footpath to trip over. ‘Yep.’ And I said, ‘Well, I suggest you walk on the other side of the road.’ ‘Yeah. It's really interesting.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Wow. That sounds like a place I'd like to get into and do some house clearing just to find out the history of the home and why the spirits are there.
And it might actually have not been a spirit. It might've been something else, but we won't go down that track because we're not here to talk about what I think these things are. Now, Brett, you love doing paranormal tours. We've had this conversation, you really do. Now we're not going to mention this particular facility, we're not going to mention the name of this facility in Tasmania that you like to visit, but would you like to share some of your experiences and how you're actually related to this particular place?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
The year was 2019, I'd seen some Facebook posts of these paranormal tours south of Tasmania. I'll show you. Well, this will be interesting. I wouldn't mind doing one of these to see what they're all about, see if there's any unique reaction, so I did a tour but I was hooked. Dragged my poor wife along to them and she ended up enjoying it as well.
It really opens your mind to the other side, and I've even been to South Australia and done three tours over there.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Fabulous. Would you like to tell us about the west coast of Tasmania? Now again, we're not going to mention the place, but those of you who know me will know where this place is. It's a particular facility that's not used anymore.
That's all we'll say. We're not allowed to name it. But Brett goes there quite often and would you like to share with our listeners some of your lovely experiences that you've had at this facility?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
STORY: Reading to the children spirits
I'll go down the west coast and I used the opportunity to go visit one of your friends and she runs tools at this medical facility . I happen to have been born in the town, and all my family comes from that town as well. And, um, I go to Edna Tallguy, I let me in, and she took me, um, all over this medical facility, and I said, uh, I actually was back here in mid-eighties. I was actually working for a company that helped do the upgrades to the kitchen.
Nice to walk back in time and so we went for a bit of a tour and the tour guide said we're happy to just walk around and I said I'd like to go back to the kid's ward and I'd like to sit there and read some books to them and she said oh they'll love that so I went to the kid's ward and got some books and then I started reading to the resident children within that facility.
But while I was reading to them and that, and I was thinking, well, I can't see them, I may feel them, but I can't see them, so I started down the track of buying some of my own equipment.
EMF readers and spirit boxes and that sort of equipment. And then so, I asked the tour guide if I could set up some paranormal gear, I went down there and did another tour.
So I set some cat balls up on three books, and I said to the kids, which book do you want me to read? And nothing happened. And so, I started off reading one of the smaller books to read, and I read the book, and I said, um, Is there any, out of the other two, which book do you want me to read?
Well, at that point, the cap all went off on what then was their favourite book. I picked that book up and continued reading, so, yeah, it was really, really great. And, uh, each time I go down there, the tour guide says, Oh, they're pretty excited to have you back again. And first thing I do is go in and read some books with him and then I'll go visit other residents in other parts of the facility.
It's really good to have that connection with the spirit world, keep the spirits happy and enjoy my company and so I'm not gifted enough to see him. I can feel him but I can't see him.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Yeah, but that's okay. Not everyone has the same psychic skills. I mean, I'm like you. I feel what's around us. Occasionally I see them. Occasionally I hear them. But generally, it's that body reaction to feeling the change in the energetic environment around us. Now, you've stayed at the nurse's home on that site. Did you have any interesting experiences that you'd like to share about staying there?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
STORY: The bedtime banter… ‘Is he homeless?’
It's a funny story. Well, I decided to push the envelope once again, I'd just like to the next level. And I thought, what better way to push yourself to the next level is actually sleep somewhere where you know there are residents and good residents as well. Yeah. Yeah. And it sleeps somewhere where I know there could be a bit of action.
And the kids, the kids were only crossed in the other building because they could viz me as well. So while I was sleeping, I decided to set up one of the, uh, phone apps, one of the ghost phone apps to record myself sleeping. So I did, but I had it down, had the volume down, so I didn't hear the words being read out to me.
And it was really funny because when I played it back, I only, only record myself for an hour. Yeah. And when I played it back, it was like it was a three-way conversation. With probably two nurses, and a male, and said, Judy, Judy, get out of there. It was like having a three-way conversation, and someone mentioned Ralph.
So it was Ralph there, and Judy, and it was Jane. All the words that were coming up in this app were saying, And I, I please get out, and I come out of there, we don't know, sort of, coming out of there, we don't know who he is, sort of thing, and it's, sort of, all these words were popping up in this app, and it sort of gave me a feeling that they were over there wondering who I was and why I was in this poor nurse's bedroom.
Unknown to me, I was off to sleep and I heard, one of the words that came up was ‘homeless.’ So I thought that was quite interesting, whether I thought I was just a homeless bum, just a homeless person, just walked into this facility and found a nice comfy bed and went to sleep.
And then after that, they said, who is he?
After that, I got woken up, and headed down to the toilet down the hall. And when I was in the cubicle, the light went out. I thought, that's, that's great. Well, I knew where the emergency light is, so I opened the cubicle door and pushed the light. 10 to 15 seconds, but the, main light comes back on. I thought that was great someone must be playing around with the lights. So I finished my business and went back to the bedroom and I, um, laid down the bed and you wouldn't believe it, but I heard like someone breathing, like, like a soft breathing of maybe a female. It wasn't heavy breathing, it was the soft breathing of someone sleeping.
So maybe Jane or Judy must have drifted off to sleep while I went to the toilet. And when I reviewed the ghost app when I came back from the toilet. At one point there, it was someone said, ‘Move over.’ Like I was taking up all the bed and then I just drifted off to sleep and didn't wake up till the next morning. That was a really interesting night.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
STORY: Movie watching spirit kids
That is totally fascinating. I've actually stayed in that same facility, that same nurse's home. I always had room 22. And I'd be there with my laptop because I'd go and visit my friend in that town for a week. So I'd stay in that accommodation and I'd have my laptop.
And in those days, it was a laptop that had a CD player in it. So I'd take movies with me and I'd put a movie in it and I kept them very How can I put it? G rated, so no violence, nothing inappropriate because it was a nurse's home. There are children on the site and lo and behold, as soon as I put these movies on, ah, I just remembered they like musicals.
So things like ‘Sound of Music’ was one of their favourite movies. Oh my gosh, I got so sick of watching that, but I'd put it on and they'd hear. They'd hear the music and I would feel them coming through the door because these are little rooms like these used to be nurse’s quarters. So it's basically a single bed, a wardrobe and a mirrored sort of table desk type thing, very, very simple rooms. I feel these beings come through the door and then slide up alongside the wall and they just sort of snuggle in on my lap and just sit and watch the movie with me like they loved it. It was so much fun, but it was just, that they were very much like kids' movies and very sort of simple movies because of that building.
I know a little bit of the history of that place from my friend, that the nurse's home was built on top of another building that burnt down on that site. Now it used to be the infectious diseases ward because this town on the west coast of Tasmania, my friend said that it was the major hospital facility in that era, back in the mid 1800s, right through to the year 2000 when it was closed.
I hope I've got the dates right, but there used to be the infectious diseases ward there. So anyone that had a disease that was Infectious, obviously, would go there to be separated from the general hospital residency. So there'd be a lot of spirits there, even though people go, Oh, but it's a nurse's home. Why is there a young man there? I've met lots of spirits through there. And on my YouTube channel, I'm going to share some little videos from the sitting room and stuff and some of my little experiences with my paranormal devices. Lots of people there, children, young men, and young ladies. There's of course the nursing staff. There'd be the matrons, possibly a few doctors wandering in and out, but just because it's the nurse's home now, which in those days would have just been females because it's old school. There are young men there as well. Like I think it was, was it Ralph that you mentioned his name?
Yeah, he might have been one of these young people who may have passed away from polio or scarlet fever or some illness that they didn't have cures for, but it's fascinating. The spirits that get around. Is there any other stories you'd like to share with us today, Brett?
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
STORY: Thank you for caring
Yes, one memorable experience was on a Halloween tour down in the south of Tasmania.I was in one of the buildings. I had an ovulus, which is like a spirit box that spits out words.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Now I'm jumping in here just for a minute. I've actually used an ovulus myself. And it is a very handy paranormal investigation device. Now, I don't understand everything about it, but I do know that it has eight different modes that it can use to measure different levels of energy in the environment, but also different types of spirit communication.
Now, the mode that most people use with the Ovilus is called the Dictionary mode. And spirits, somehow, don't ask me how, but they're actually able to select words to communicate what they want to say. Now, I think that somehow they find the words within this electronic device. They can find the words through the frequency or the vibration of the words, and they communicate them on the screen.
Now this device does work, and I know that it is highly accurate. So, let's get back to Brett's story as we hear what Elsie has to say.
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
It was really quiet, the ovilus didn't do much, and I had a cat ball with me. I went into what I believe was Mary Ann’s room, and I set the cat ball on her, on the doll, hoping to get some interaction through the doll, but nothing happened.
And I was talking and trying to get some words come through the office and nothing happened. And then I sort of gave up and I thought, oh well, that's okay. It's like approaching three o'clock in the morning. And I said, respectfully, I said, I'm sorry Marianne if I kept you awake. We're here on Halloween.
We're so excited to come over and we just got dressed up for the occasion to come over and sort of have a chat with you. And I really apologize if I kept you awake because it is early in the morning and I'll, I'll go. So great. Went over there, picked the cap all up, and the Ovilus started spitting out these words.
Well, I don't know what the Ovilus said, because I was blown away when I felt like a warm hand touch me side of the face, meant to say, Oh, you're a sweet thing. for being so respectful and having me sleep and everything. And, that's how I felt. And I felt all my energy start to drain and sort of staggered out of the, out of the room.
And then I ran into the tour guide and She said, uh, are you all right? And I said, yeah, it's all cool. I just, um, I think I've just been touched on the side of the face. And the best feeling I had from the spirit from the other side that I ever, I really enjoyed reading to the children and that, and it's really great to have that interaction but to have something happen like that to me and a good thing too. It was really comforting that I was doing the right thing by the residents.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
That's beautiful. That's beautiful. I find respect goes a long way. And you actually thought, you thought about the time of the day, why you were sort of dressed the way you were, because I don't know what you were dressed as costume-wise, but they wouldn't be used to seeing people going through that building in costumes.
Because sometimes these people are, you've got to think, these people are from mid 1800s. They didn't have electricity, they didn't have the technology that we've got. But you were so respectful. You'll carry that memory with you now through every tour that you go through. You'll use that respect and that memory will be with you forever.
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
Yeah, it sure does. And since being listened to your podcast, I've listened to all your podcasts and I've got some good medium friends that I associate with and open my mind to that world. My journey so far has been really interesting.
I have been to another place in Hobart where we had a cat ball sitting on a bottle of whiskey and it looked like it had been slapped off the top of the whiskey bottle because it, flew off the top of the whiskey bottle and hit the back wall at the sort of at speed that it actually slapped, hit the back wall in such a violent projection. And strangely enough, there were permanent cameras fixed up in the room that go all the time. That video footage wasn't there anymore. There was an EMF tripwire, which had a series of EMF readers in a wire that ran across the judge's bench. And that lit up at the same time as the ball went flying across the room. So a very interesting journey so far.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
That's great. That's great. Thank you so much for being with us today, Brett. The listeners will have loved hearing all your experiences. Yeah, I thank you. It's been great.
Speaker 2: Brett Reader (Guest)
Thank you for the chance to share my stories.
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Thank you so much for being with us today, Brett. The listeners will have loved hearing all your experiences. Yeah, I thank you. It's been great.
So in episode 72, we are talking emotions and the paranormal connection. Carol in Yorkshire in the UK asks: Please explain what emotional imprints are and why they attract ghosts and other paranormal beings, cos I just don’t get it. I will share what I know from personal experience and how I know emotional energetic imprints are a thing. Also what you can do to lessen or avoid attracting paranormal entities to yourself, so, I look forward to seeing you in the next episode.
Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at
For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:
I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.