Perfectly Paranormal

#80 Haunted minds: Mental health meets the supernatural

Anna Schmidt Episode 80

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In this episode, we are stepping into the dark recesses of the mind and exploring mental health and dark energy beings. Is there a connection and if so, what is it? I share my experience living with a family member who I thought crossed the borders into elevated psychic awareness but was dubbed mentally ill at a young age with a soup pot full of various diagnoses including schizophrenia.

And we answer Jess the mental health worker's questions:

1. Do dark beings have an easier time getting through to someone with schizophrenia? 
2. Are schizophrenics tapping into dimensions that most people are unable to experience or is it truly a world of hallucinations? 
3. Are entities more likely to attach themselves to a person that can easily hear or see them or do they prefer to stir things up from the shadows to get the reactions they seek? 

EXTRA MUSIC: Midnight in the chapel by Geoff Harvey, Suspense_drama_scene by unknown composer from

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A definitive guide to understanding dark beings & why they are here:
Available on - type - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt

Deep in the dell by Geoff Harvey, Creepy whispering by Raspberry Tickle Creepy music box by Modification1089, Terror...

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)     

Hello and welcome to Perfectly Paranormal episode 80

My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today, we are stepping into the dark recesses of the mind and exploring mental health and dark energy beings. Is there a connection and if so, what is it? I share my experience living with a family member who I thought crossed the borders into elevated psychic awareness but was dubbed mentally ill at a young age with a soup pot full of various diagnoses including schizophrenia.

This is a controversial topic, and I am talking about it anyway! What got me started on this episode was last year a viewer on my YouTube channel asked the following questions about entities and their connection to mental health conditions, especially schizophrenia. Jess is a mental health worker and has witnessed strange and unusual behaviours in some of her clients and the doctors who either avoided giving answers when she asked their opinion or simply didn‘t know what to say.

Here are Jess's questions that we are addressing today amongst  a few others:

·      Do dark beings have an easier time getting through to someone with schizophrenia? 

·      Are schizophrenics tapping into dimensions that most people are unable to experience or is it truly a world of hallucinations? 

·      Are entities more likely to attach themselves to a person that can easily hear or see them or do they prefer to stir things up from the shadows to get the reactions they seek? 

 Before we start, as I always say, the information shared in this episode is purely from an energetic perspective from what I have seen in my family and through client’s experiences and conversations I have had with mental health workers. Now that being said, let's delve into dark energy beings and explore their possible cause or influence on mental health conditions.

Firstly, let’s outline a definition of Schizophrenia

A spectrum of mental disorders is characterized by emotional dysfunction, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behaviour, delusions, hallucinations, or a combination of any of these symptoms. SOURCE:

The definition got me thinking: I often experience disorganised thinking or heightened emotions as most people do especially when I am tired, super busy or stressed. I have heard voices from unseen sources internally and externally since childhood. I like my own company so could be classed as socially isolated or anti-social. I see energetic body-shaped shifts in our environment day and night that look like invisible people and sometimes see images in my mind, like word flashes or random 3-4 second movies. I feel energetic fluctuations in people and places and many other spiritually or psychically open people have similar experiences, so they tell me, so what tips you over the edge into thinking these occurrences are a mental health condition? The medical and scientific community attributes the forementioned symptoms to factors like genetic predisposition, brain chemistry imbalances, and environmental stressors rather than psychic abilities and external spiritual entities.

Mental health professionals emphasize evidence-based treatments, including medication and therapy, to manage schizophrenia. While the experience of feeling manipulated or controlled can be very real and distressing for individuals with schizophrenia, attributing these experiences to dark entities is not supported by scientific evidence and can possibly detract from effective medical treatment and support. I understand the medical approach but also think that a holistic approach including energetic aspects gives a broader picture too.

I want to share with you my experience of living with a parent with schizophrenia:

I came from a family with a long mental health background spanning generations which I never understood when I was younger but have a broader understanding of now. I don’t classify myself as a person with a mental health condition even though it is very possibly in my genes. From my late teens, I explored what I called heightened spiritual sensitivity – looking at the world in a different way, exploring the spiritual and psychic side of hearing and seeing spirits or apparitions, and knowing random information that is not for me but what I am picking up or being given for someone else.

I had to do my learning in a hidden way from the age of 12 onwards, usually reading books at the local library because my dad didn’t like me bringing home books about angels, ghosts, or anything really that challenged his beliefs about those subjects AND I didn’t want to be rushed off to the doctor and put on pills if they knew I was hearing voices and seeing spirits. I didn’t think I needed medication, I functioned normally – mentally, emotionally and physically. I went to school, had hobbies, had no extreme mental or emotional issues, I spelt reasonably well and I didn’t know what the drugs would do to me as I saw side effects happening to my mum for 50 years of her life while on many prescription medications.

In saying that, many people do need medication to help support and keep them on level ground – mentally and emotionally and functioning in this reality with home, work and family needs and routines, like my mum. I do energy-clearing work for clients who are on medication. The energy work is part of the clearing and overall healing process for people along with medication and care from medical professionals. These people can also choose to explore and broaden their thinking if they wish, looking at the spiritual side of themselves to understand what they see, hear and feel outside of this Earth reality through meditation and conversations with like-minded people in spiritual groups and reading books.

I’m now going to share an interesting and slightly odd experience I witnessed  with my mum to answer the following question:

Do dark entities have an easier time getting through to someone with schizophrenia? 

To answer this question, I say ‘Yes’, from my energetic perspective. Dark beings don’t use labels such as schizophrenia. They are only interested in our vibration and the types of vibrations or frequencies we create. When we are more open psychically than others, our vibration is different – elevated, or our energy colour shines brighter is one way to explain it. Some people don’t think about their psychic awareness or care or understand how to utilise these skills in their daily lives. It was a bit of a taboo topic for many years or people didn’t want to be seen as ‘odd, weird, away with the fairies’ but in the last 20 years or so, since 2000 I find people are starting to be more accepting of other possibilities available to explain components of mental health difficulties.

My mum fits into the earlier category back in the 1960s-1990s and I wanted to share a short experience I had with her to highlight aspects of her condition and her possible openness to spirits and other entities in our Earth environment manipulating her behaviours.

I have called her story: The man in the air vent

My mum lived in the family home for the last 44 years, long after Dad died and I moved out and I would visit every second day to see to her needs such as shopping, pill delivery, bringing dinners and spending time watching TV and chatting until 9pm most nights. I arrived at my mum’s house at around 6pm one night and I will say, I can share her story as she is no longer with us and I know she wouldn’t mind anyway. She would have bouts of not taking her medication properly and would go into irrational frenzied behaviours such as gathering up all the clocks in the house and throwing them out onto the front lawn because the little man who lived in the loungeroom ceiling air vent told her the clocks were bombs. So she panicked not knowing what else to do and disposed of the perceived threat in the best way she could. She told me he would whisper all night long if she didn’t take her medication and his voice didn’t really frighten her but annoyed her constantly and she couldn’t rest.

My mum’s heightened mental state left her vulnerable to extreme mental, emotional and physical behaviours and the medication helped to keep her on an even keel so she could function in a reasonably normal state. She still did all her self-care, some basic cooking and keeping the house clean and tidy. If we backtrack here, in the 1950’s at the age of 16, she was different to others around her, her eccentric behaviours were seen as ‘not normal’ and pills were used in those days to immediately quash any abnormality in people. When she started taking medication, psychic abilities being a possible spiritual cause or a component of her odd irrational behaviours was unheard of and would have had you laughed out of the doctor’s office.

I don’t know if she or her family would have coped mentally with the possibility of her issues being partly spiritual or psychic. Spirituality was never mentioned in family conversations that I witnessed even though they went to church most Sundays. Religion is different to spirituality in a sense but we are not heading down that track today.

I think differently from my mum and her generation and feel it all comes down to an individual’s capacity and coping mechanisms to deal with the unseen goings-on in this reality through observation, not fear. I approach the unknown with curiosity and a deep wanting to know more about what goes on in the invisible reality around us. And I must say, if I ever felt I was dysfunctional and not coping mentally or emotionally, I would of course see a mental health counsellor or therapist, but that isn’t the case for me. 

Our second question: Are schizophrenics tapping into dimensions that most people are unable to experience or is it truly a world of hallucinations? 

From my energetic perspective, I am going to answer ‘Yes’ again. Society coats the unseen world with fear, paranoia and anxiety for the most part and the mass population is brainwashed into fear and drama responses when it comes to anything non-tangibly experienced with our 5 defined senses.

I feel there are many realities or dimensions all intermingling and overlapping with our Earth's reality and some people’s senses and 6th sense ESP are more sensitive to what is going on around us. I am one of these people, and not afraid to say it! I have what I call my paranormal radar or spidy senses picking up on invisible energy moving and affecting us all the time. Myself and many others see, hear or feel different energy and talk openly about it now. I know I have helped many people feel less afraid of the energy world around them by openly talking about the light beings – angels and spirit guides and also the darker entities and why they exist in this reality and what they get up to.

I have a friend with an 8 year old son who sees, hears and senses energy, beings, spirits and the dark beings sometimes around him and in the environment. Is he mentally ill? Not from his parent's perspective, he goes to school, plays footy, goes to scouts, plays with his pets and has friends who come for sleepovers and is a happy well-adjusted child. His parents, moreso his mum fully understand that he has heightened senses and it isn’t a mental illness. He has seen a psychologist in the past for anxiety but medication wasn’t deemed needed, he is more sensitive to what many people can’t see or feel. I have spoken with the mum, dad and son and he copes well with knowing about angels and devils, spirits and ghosts, it is normal for him and his parents to support him and it helps to have another adult outside the family who lives a paranormal lifestyle and understands what he says with no judgment. I talked about one of his experiences back in episode 56 with the dustman, check it out to hear the full story.

Our third question: Are dark entities more likely to attach themselves to a person that can easily hear or see them or do they prefer to kind of stir things up from the shadows to get the reactions they seek? 

Every one of us is different in our reaction to paranormal presence whether with a mental health condition or not. The entity chosen approach totally depends on their observation of us and what they read in our energy as points of weakness or vulnerability. 

I came up with 13 possibilities, so here are a few different aspects which I have identified:

1.     Does the person have the desired energetic food vibration to feed a particular being’s needs?

2.     Is the person’s 6th sense open enough to sense their presence or react?

3.     Is the person easily frightened? Therefore can be manipulated

4.     Is the person easily manipulated? Do they have preconceived ideas or fears about the paranormal and what they want from us?

5.     Is the person easily triggered or switched on enough to see through the supernatural trickery? I have had entities knock on the walls in my bedroom and I simply knock back and wait to see if they knock again… they usually don’t!

6.     Is the person an easy target or strong – both mentally and emotionally and can’t be triggered? This is a sure sign of no interest here and move on to the next person.

7.     Will the person create their desired energetic food? An entity that loves the vibration of hatred isn’t likely to hang on to someone whose main trigger is sadness or despair.

8.     The environmental factor… can the person be triggered by environmental changes such as cold breezes, flickering lights or wafting black shadows?

9.     Is the person easily triggered physically such as being tripped, pushed, poked or scratched? 

10.Can the entity get the desired reaction when a person is sleeping or in their dreams?

11.Is someone vulnerable when in an addictive state such as smoking weed, tripping out on mushrooms or full to the brim with alcohol? 

12.If the person has paranormal addiction tendencies they can be triggered easier as the entities know the person loves the unknowing nature of how the paranormal beings present themselves or try to get reactions.

13.Is the person involved in occultism and satanic practices… the willingness to connect will give the person or people what they want… but not always in the way they want!

The altered states of consciousness and perceptual experiences that are characteristic of schizophrenia symptoms may make individuals more susceptible to spiritual interference from lower-vibration beings. Remember, these entities are drawn to psychically open people in general and also to those mentally and emotionally vulnerable. I suggest energetic cleansing and energetic protection practices as part of an overall care plan may assist in helping lessen paranormal effects.

The question of whether mental health issues are real medical conditions or the result of dark entity influence is a complex one. I think lower vibrational entities play a part in our well-being, challenging us to be resilient and overcome challenges in our lifestyle choices.

Society has created mass fear around anything that is not tangibly explained, so people are easily provoked. From my years of observing these fascinating beings, I have come to the conclusion that energy beings don't cause the issues within us whether mental health, medical, spiritual emergencies or otherwise BUT dark energy beings are drawn to vulnerabilities that already lie within people whether consciously or subconsciously, these entities can read our energy like a book and test our weaknesses.

From a medical standpoint, mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia are well-documented conditions with identifiable symptoms and patterns of behaviour. These conditions are typically understood to arise from a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors such as chemical imbalances in the brain, traumatic experiences, and chronic stress are known to contribute to the development of some mental health disorders. Modern psychiatry and psychology rely on research to diagnose and treat these conditions through medication, therapy, and other interventions and whether they will ever be open to a spiritual aspect is yet to be seen.

Before I finish up today, I wanted to share the following observation from Jess, the mental health worker who posed the questions presented in this episode today. Jess writes:

Hi Anna,

I would be interested in your opinion, please. I am sensitive to energy and have experienced dizziness and sudden onset headaches on more than one occasion while visiting one of my clients. It is my personal belief that she absolutely is being tortured (her words) by dark beings that are very much attached to her.

MY RESPONSE: Your sudden dizziness and headaches mentioned are common signs experienced by many people I have spoken with and experienced myself. I experienced these along with sudden random coughing fits that weren't there before I spoke with a person or entered a location and I wasn't ill at the time. Those types of signs are ways the physical body may alert us to lower vibrational presence.

I am so energy sensitive that I can sense paranormal beings in people, in places, through texting, phone calls, and on websites, BUT I understand the signs and symptoms from years of experience and the beings don't frighten me. They are only energetic feeders and this includes dark and demonic level beings. I hope this information helps. It is a complex topic with no one answer.

A message from the client to Jess, the mental health worker:

THE CLIENT WRITES: I am interested in the spiritual perspective because it is my belief that Western medicine leaves the energetic self out of the holistic healing process. 

JESS’S MESSAGE TO ME: In the case of the client I mentioned above, I could've been fired for giving spiritual advice, even though it was apparent that was exactly what she needed. I visited her the other day and she told me she has been trying to work on self-healing and felt one of the disruptive beings leave. I told her what you said about how the energy field gets used to their presence and she agreed. She said it was nice to feel relief when it left but it felt weird without it being there. I gave her a copy of your book – The Darkness Around Us, so she could learn more about why dark entities are so attracted to her and what she can do to improve the situation. She was very grateful for the book and said it was just what she needed. 

Wow, this was a long episode but well worth it and I hope the information and perspectives presented today offered you food for thought around mental health conditions. So, stay tuned next week for episode 81, where we are challenged by the world of paranormal sceptics and their question: Are ghosts real?  Does paranormal activity exist or is it just a state of mind? I love sceptics and I can’t wait to share some slightly funny and not-so-funny experiences with you about paranormal sceptics I have encountered through my work.
 Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at 

For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:  

I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.

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