Perfectly Paranormal
If you want to understand how dark and demonic entities in our environment can affect you, your family, pets and home, then this is the podcast for you. You explore the REAL RELEVANT relatable stories & usable tips and tricks to recognise and combat paranormal influence. I work as an energetic house clearer and have studied the paranormal for 35+ years and I share the information in an educational non-fear-based approach and you will discover that dark beings are not as scary as you think!
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Perfectly Paranormal
#88 Picking up entities online? WHY & WHAT TO AVOID!
Your web surfing can open doorways for entities. In this episode, we look at how this works and what you can do about it. Katie, a friend and client asks: ‘CAN I PICK UP DARK ENTITIES ONLINE?’ Katie is energy-sensitive and visited a website recently that made her instantly feel unwell in the mind and body so she messaged me and I will share exactly what I found.
EXTRA SOUND EFFECTS: Suspense sound by felix_quinol, Creepy metal grind by Pixabay, Night moon by UNIVERFIELD
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A definitive guide to understanding dark beings & why they are here:
Available on - type - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt
INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC: - Deep in the dell by Geoff Harvey, Creepy whispering by Raspberry Tickle Creepy music box by Modification1089, Terro...
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Hello and welcome to Perfectly Paranormal episode 88
My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today we get online to explode an energetic minefield - Katie, a friend and client asks: ‘Can I pick up entities and negative energy online?’ Katie is energy sensitive and visited a website recently that made her instantly feel unwell in the mind and body so she messaged me and I will share exactly what I found.
‘Can I pick up entities and negative energy online?’
My response might shock some people, but this is just another way energy beings to navigate the world around us. I am giving Katie’s question a great big ‘YES”! And here is why based on my observations and experiences, I can share three examples of real-life experiences where innocently traversing the internet has led to physical and mental changes in Katie’s and my energy, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
And I have called our first experience: Lying in wait
As we do, I was surfing the net one night looking at a spiritual topic and I came across a well-known person’s website and I thought, this person would most likely have the answer I needed. Well, opening the website and looking at the home page was as far as I got! I instantly went into a mind spin, had a dry mouth, started coughing like crazy and had to shut down the website, quick smart! Many of you listening might not believe the connection between the two – but the symptoms and the sudden changes in my mind function and physical changes only happened the instant I opened the website.
Last week I went to another website and opened the person’s profile page to read about their qualifications on a particular topic and as soon as I started scrolling down, I felt an energetic shift – was it me or coming through the website? When I saw the person’s profile photo, especially their eyes, I knew, I started to feel ill and clicked out off the website straight away, not waiting to see what lurked within.
Could the negative energy I felt be transferred through the imagery? Very possibly because I am sensitive to picking up entity activity through prospective client’s photos and house photos in general, not just on the Internet.
Another example of internet interference: Katie’s Catastrophe
Katy, a friend and client of mine, contacted me with the following message:
Hi again Anna, Quick question for you - Is it possible that I could have picked up something vile from the content creator of the spiritual clearing technique? Or her intentions to put it on social media? I’ve not felt right since using it.
I did what I call an energy check-in for Katy and this is what I found and replied to Katie’s message with:
You had energetic cording around your energy field from the website where you looked at the spiritual information and the cording is connected to the person who wrote it. There were 2 dark energy beings travelling through the cording making you feel unwell. It may have been intentional by her and also it may not. Most likely she has entity attachments using her website to attach to other unsuspecting energy workers like yourself.
When I spoke to the entities, they went back through the cording to the website owner and I cut the connection between the two of you.
Wow…..the world really is an energetic minefield! Thank you again for yesterday’s clearing, I was with a friend playing mini golf when you cleared me, & she said “What just happened? It’s like your brain & personality just turned back on. And I know you’ve only had half a drink”.
Yes, indeedy, they can. You will remember me mentioning on many occasions that dark entities can affect the electrical energy in our homes and I have seen all too often, so why not travel through servers and computers into people’s energy fields and homes? Paranormal beings are energy and the internet is an energetic highway as well as a digital world of information transference. The Internet is a vast and complex network connecting people worldwide and a large percentage of society is glued to their phones and addicted to the internet and doesn’t spend as much time in person with each other, so the dark realm has to adapt to continue to collect the energetic food its workers need to survive.
Entities can lurk in websites and on social media platforms connecting to many people, like Katie who was innocently looking at spiritual information on a website and picked up a corded attachment. Basically, these entities have to exploit technological mediums to extend their influence.
The internet, smartphones, and social media platforms whether video or text-based have become integral parts of daily life, creating new avenues for personal interaction, information exchange and entity hitchhiking.
This next experience comes to mind when during COVID-19, I was stuck at home like everyone else scrolling through a social media video platform, when I stopped at a current news video.
And I have called this experience: Video violation!
Now, I NEVER watch news videos but for some reason, clicked on this particular one probably because universal energy wanted me to experience what I am sharing with you now. Within 5 seconds of the video starting I felt an instant headache, an energetic attack on my brow chakra as an aggressive energy hook hurtled out of the internet and shot into my chakra.
As I saw the Dr Octopus-like tentacle coming, I couldn’t shut the video off quickly enough and BAM, my head instantly felt like it was going to explode. There is a little bit of Leo drama there but it was a truly startling experience and caught me totally off guard. I wonder how many other people had experienced the same headache watching that video or others and didn’t know where it came from.
It took me a total of 20 minutes to unpack, unhook and release the energy cording and remove all the negative energy that had been pumped into my head. Was this cord trying to fill me with COVID paranoia… possibly, but I have learnt now to be more wary of my internet viewing.
Rapid technological change as technology becomes more sophisticated brings about profound changes in how we live, work, and interact. These changes can create a sense of dislocation or loss of control, which might enhance supernatural interferences. Social media platforms, with their vast reach and ability to spread information rapidly, can be seen as fertile ground for supernatural influence. Demonic entities can manipulate unaware individuals' emotions and thoughts and possibly exert a subtle yet powerful influence, leading to increased anxiety, depression, or irrational behaviour. I do wonder sometimes if the mass shootings we see on the news and social media are fuelled by entities who invade certain individuals and manipulate their behaviours because they are extremely mentally and emotionally vulnerable.
So, what do you think: Have you experienced unusual mental, emotional or physical symptoms after visiting particular websites or watching videos and you couldn’t explain why? It is interesting how this question kind of leads into a similar topic for next week in episode 89, I had a question from Eric who said, I have experienced some strange happenings in my home and he asks: Does watching paranormal movies attract entities? This sparked a whole episode as I have two different viewpoints on this topic after many years of observation and personal experiences. So, stay tuned for next week’s TV transition of the supernatural kind.
Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at
For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:
I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.