Perfectly Paranormal

# 102 Does music soothe paranormal entities? A listener question

Anna Schmidt

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You will hear a listener’s observation of a rather interesting demonic entity in a public place, behaving in an unexpected way which poses the question -  Does music soothe the savage beast? Liz's description and observations add an almost human layer to these dark entities… Do they really hate us, are they evil or is there a softer side to some of them?

EXTRA MUSIC AND EFFECTS Latin opera duet by Nickpanek 620, Large crash with cat by Pixabay

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Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)  

Hello and here we are at Perfectly Paranormal episode I02

My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today you will hear a listener’s observation of a rather interesting energy being in a public place, behaving in an unexpected way, this as you will hear adds another almost human layer to dark entities… do they really hate us or is there a softer side to some of them?

This is LIZ’S QUESTION: She writes-

Hello Anna, I hope all is wonderful with you.

My question for you about dark energy beings is and Liz sets the scene - If, for example, there's a concert going on like an opera that draws the emotions of the audience to where their spirit is lifted with the music, (choirs can do that or violin duet for example) can dark energy beings enjoy beautiful music? Or are they more apt to just drop a giant lighting fixture onto the stage and get giggles from that? I guess that might depend on which of the many varieties is present. But can't help but wonder if there are those entities who can enjoy beautiful music. So maybe I really wonder if indeed can music tame the savage beast.

 When at a particular opera theatre, I keep seeing what looks like a high-ranking and very old demon, with leathery skin, and horns, sitting at the back of the very beautiful and elaborate concert hall where nobody can see him but he is clearly enjoying beautiful music. My brain has probably hollywoodized and created this scene with the red velvet seats and hand-carved everything. So, it's just so hard to know what my brain is making up and what's real. Carol was right, I do doubt so much. Anyway, let them know I don't really want to tame any of them. However wouldn't it be nice to know music could be used, if under attack, as an ethereal tranquilizer dart? 

I would love to know your take on all this if you don't mind. Keep up your brilliant work. Stay safe and stay amazing.


THANK YOU Liz for your insight and a fabulous question and you aren't Hollywoodising anything. I have seen what I call a Legion General with long black horns and a strong leathery-looking face and muscular body who sounds similar to your sighting.

Liz’s question got me thinking, Firstly, let’s look at why he is present. I came up with six thoughts on this, so far:
 1.     Demonic entities aren’t as malevolent as people think. We have been brainwashed to keep us in fear around any unseen paranormal happenings or entity presence as being evil. The being you are seeing may well be calmly listening and enjoying the music or observing the people as they listen to the music and enjoying the music's vibration and the people’s vibrations intermingling.

2.     He could be taking timeout from work and thought I would just nip into the opera for a few hours. 

3.     Maybe he wants to feel like he is part of something else other than the Dark Realm. Some of these entities have told me they see how we enjoy life and they might crave some of the freedom we have.

4.     He is attracted to the building because of the large buildup of emotional and trauma imprints present in public places and is simply energetically feeding on the energetic food in the building and the people at the opera.

5.     He might want to be seen or acknowledged by a human and chose to let you see him because he knows you have a genuine interest in the paranormal. 

6.     Lastly, I have found these entities can be lonely sometimes. They spend most if not all their time working under command. When I clear these beings from homes and other spaces, loneliness is one of the emotions I can feel present in these entities. It isn’t always rage and hostility like most people would think, they have personalities just like we do and behave accordingly.  


Secondly, Liz’s multilayered questions:

  Are they more apt to just drop a giant lighting fixture onto the stage and get giggles from that? 
YES indeed if the trickster type who likes to play games or get a point across and get people riled up and then sits back and feeds off the panic, fear, horror and other emotional energy created from the sudden shock happening.


Liz also asks - So I really wonder if indeed music can tame the savage beast. It would be nice to know music could be used, if under attack, as an ethereal tranquillizer dart.

My thoughts on this are if it did work it would be short term (seconds or possibly minutes) because the underlying reason why the entity was present with the person or in a place is still there and needs identifying and clearing for the entity to leave long term.


Our final point today is not a question, more an observation and Liz wrote: It's just so hard to know what my brain is making up and what's real.

You observing him was real. I am sure you don’t purposefully go looking for dark entities in public places. He showed himself to you, he knows you are interested in the paranormal and not a threat. They choose when and who can see them and read our energy, our level of ego and intentions judging us either worthy of a glimpse into dark energy presence or not. 

I hope you found Liz’s observation of the entity enjoying the opera as totally fascinating as I did.  Have you ever seen a dark shape, a shadowy person or a full blown paranormal being in places you have been? These beings are all around us more often than you think.

So, in episode I03, you will hear first hand the pros and cons of paranormal investigation and can anyone be a paranormal investigator. I have lots to share with you from my personal experiences with spooky tour guide work in an old asylum and personal paranormal investigation that sometimes happened when I least expected.

Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at 

For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:  

I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.

EXTRA MUSIC AND EFFECTS Latin opera duet by Nickpanek 620, Large crash with cat by Pixabay

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