Perfectly Paranormal

#101 Dark entity dowsing manipulation

Anna Schmidt Episode 101

 In this episode, I share 4 reasons why supernatural trickers mess with our dowsing rods and pendulums, how dowsing works and what to do if your pendulum or rods are misbehaving.
Energy beings, either spirits or dark entities can manipulate your pendulums and dowsing rods, I have had this happen to me when doing energy work.
You need a solid understanding of your pendulum or rods yes or no answers and then you can detect when the energetic naughty hitchhikers are around.

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Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)  

Hello and welcome to Perfectly Paranormal episode I0I

My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today people often ask me about dowsing and dark entities so I thought why not do a whole episode giving you get an indepth understanding of dowsing, demonic detection and how it all works.


So, what is dowsing?

Dowsing is a time old method of connecting with the energetic environment around us. Initially, people used copper or brass rods to detect resources such as water or mineral pockets hidden deep in the Earth. BUT dowsing can also be used to connect with energy beings in the environment like during paranormal investigations and also, people use dowsing for energy work. I use a hematite pendulum as my dowsing tool when doing house and personal energy clearing work. I tried rods but I found they take too long to give me yes or no answers and I have no patience. My pendulum gives me instant answers and I love it.


Some of you may be new to dowsing rods and pendulums and no they aren’t some woo woo spiritual rubbish and no, pendulums don’t open doorways into other realities or summon dark entities. They are a very useful tool anyone can learn to use for different purposes such as finding lost items, part of your spiritual tool kit, connecting with your higher self to assist in decision making, energy work and balancing chakras… the list goes on. 

 A pendulum is any weighted object on the end of a piece of cord, string, cotton, wool or chain. The object can be made of lead crystal, a metal - brass or copper ball of a strip of metal, glass, a crystal, wood, seed pods, a key, or a ring as long as it has some weight to it and it has a centre balance when held from the cord, it will work. 

 Pendulums are one of the simplest forms of divination for beginners to learn. They help you tap into your inner intuition and subconsciousness. I call my pendulum an external focus tool and constant use of your pendulum allows you to build a relationship with your intuition, higher self and spirit guides and acts as a receiver for useful information. Pendulums give you access to answers from a different perspective.  Learning to use a pendulum takes trust, time, patience, practice, and more practice. And no, you can’t ask for the lottery numbers, personal gain in that sense is frowned upon.

So, what is the connection between dowsing and demonic entities in our environment?

 This is a bit of fun, well, I think so… I am going to give you 2 examples of cheeky demonic pendulum manipulation and also 4 reasons why this can happen. I will just talk pendulum dowsing today as I use my pendulum every day with my energy work, it really gives me the external focus outside my own thoughts when doing energy work. 

 For house healing, clearing, or cleansing, whatever you want to call it, I can tune into the address and floorplan of a client’s home located anywhere in the world from my home in Tasmania and ask through the connection to the address and floorplan if there are any spirits, dark or demonic entities present and what they are attracted to energetically in the house. I will say all dowsing work requires your mind to be blank. I see it as a clean white board, when I am doing dowsing otherwise my thoughts, worries or problems stored in my brain can get in the way of accurate dowsing answers for client jobs. Also, you must have no preconceived outcome in mind otherwise your thoughts and desires for a particular answer can influence how the pendulum will swing or spin to answer your questions.

 If you do a lot of energy work and use a pendulum, getting a solid understanding of your pendulum’s YES and NO responses is paramount because entities, mainly the demonic level ones can manipulate or highjack your pendulum’s accuracy if you are not used to the flow and how it functions. They will try anything to muddle your mind and upset your thinking. You will see changes through unusual shifts in the pendulum’s energetic pull, the swing, the spin, an abnormal change in speed or direction, or your pendulum can wobble weirdly or do absolutely nothing. Anything that isn’t the norm with your pendulum usage, can be interference attempting to mess with your mind.


Here are a couple of dark entity examples for you. 
I was doing a remote house clearing one day and I looked away for a moment and felt my already spinning pendulum spinning super fast in the opposite direction to my normal clockwise YES which has a medium speed spin. Now, I know my NO sign is a diagonal swing from bottom right to top left sort of swing and it wasn’t doing that. One of the demonic entities from a property I was working on, was having a play with my pendulum, so I just observed. When I looked at it, the anti-clockwise spin stopped, when I looked away, it started again. This game went on for 2 -3 minutes and then suddenly stopped.


There are four possible reasons why this could be occurring:

1.     The entity is playing a game with me, just for a bit of fun. Some of them do have a sense of humour. Maybe he thought I might freak out and get a buzz from that, but no, no frightened or shocked reactions from me.

2.     The entity is letting me know, he knows I am in the house where he resides and to tread carefully. Even though I announce my arrival and intentions respectfully when doing house clearing, the beings present don’t always trust humans even though they can read your energy. They are cautious, which I think is fair enough.

3.     He or they are trying to mess with my house clearing accuracy maybe hoping I will miss their favourite food source in one of the rooms  or on the land and they can stay lurking away feasting on their favourite vibration.

4.     He or they could be summoned entities and don’t like me interfering in their contracts to be in the home for some sorcery or magic reason. And that is a whole other kettle of fish to unpack and clear.

 Another time, I was doing a personal energy clearing and the client was riddled with paranormal beings and my pendulum was misbehaving. When suddenly it stopped still and attempted to lift to the left at a right angle. I said, “Stop that” and it dropped back to the hanging centre point and was totally still. I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve when doing house clearing and pendulum work is only one of them.

 One last thing, if you do take up dowsing, here are some tips if your pendulum is misbehaving. 

Put it down and ask yourself these questions:

1.     Am I fully grounded and present? Being ungrounded means your energy can be scattered outside your body and you need to ground yourself.

2.     Am I in the right frame of mind for using my pendulum right now? Problems in your life that take over your thoughts will get in the way of the blank whiteboard I mentioned earlier.

3.     Do I have a clear intention and is the wording of my questions specific enough?

4.     Do I need to clear my pendulum’s energy? Is there other energy attached to it? You can clear your pendulum by focussing your intention on white light enveloping your pendulum or angelic beings coming and releasing and removing all detrimental energy from your pendulum including any paranormal tricksters.

 I hope this episode gave you some insight into the world of dowsing and paranormal detection and what to be aware of if your pendulum or rods are misbehaving.


So in episode I02, you will hear a listener’s observation of a rather interesting energy being in a public place, who was behaving in an unexpected way. This as you will hear in Liz’s experience adds an almost human layer to dark entities… do they really hate us, are they evil or is there a softer side to some of them?

Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at 

For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:  

I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.

- Dowsing - pendulum and body


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