Perfectly Paranormal

#103 The pros & cons of paranormal investigation

Anna Schmidt Episode 103

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Have you ever wondered if you could be a paranormal investigator? In this episode, you will hear firsthand the 8 pros and 13 cons of paranormal investigation and if anyone can be a paranormal investigator. People ask me what skills you need for paranormal investigation and I have lots to share with you from my personal experiences with my spooky tour guide work in an old asylum and also other personal paranormal investigations that happened when I least expected.

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Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)  

Hello and here we are at Perfectly Paranormal episode I03

My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today you will hear first hand the pros and cons of paranormal investigation and can anyone be a paranormal investigator. People ask me what skills you need for paranormal investigation and I have lots to share with you from my personal experiences with my spooky tour guide work in an old asylum and also other personal paranormal investigations that happened when I least expected.

8 PROS of paranormal investigation

1.     The thrill, fun and excitement of learning about the unseen world around us would have to be no. I on the pros list.

2.     You get to meet like-minded people and share experiences and you never feel judged or ridiculed by others who have experienced the paranormal first hand.

3.     Your psychic skills expand as your belief through gathering documentable evidence.

4.     Your knowledge of places grows as you research locations and can then get corroborating evidence when investigating. This happened to me when connecting with a spirit named Adam, a convict here in Southern Tasmania at a site I used to work at as a tour guide. He told me information through the spirit box which I could then research and corroborate as accurate.

5.     Paranormal investigation in some cases keeps old locations alive with visitors and people wanting to experience the paranormal.

6.     The spirits at sites sometimes want to be acknowledged and those with psychic skills can gather extra information that the gadgets can’t record.

7.     Paranormal investigation is a, depending on your view, form of entertainment. Some people do it for ratings and followers whereas others have a personal journey with wanting the explore the paranormal or prove an afterlife exists.

8.     It is fun to go investigating with sceptics who can’t debunk the going ons during the day or night exploration. Paranormal investigation can really broaden your mindset if you let it.


I3 CONS of paranormal investigation

1.     Paranormal investigation opens your eyes to what is around us energetically and this can a real shock for some people. Once you know and experience, you can’t undo that mentally. So be prepared, don’t panic and observe what happen with curiosity not fear.

2.     Trigger or enhance your paranormal addiction possibly leading to the addiction taking over your life in extreme cases like I talked about in episode I9 and 2I.

3.     You need a strong disposition. Paranormal investigation is not for everyone and places like visiting old mental health institutions may trigger underlying mental or emotional health conditions simply by you being in the location. You don’t have to be super sensitive for this to be an issue.

4.     If you are psychically open you may be shown in visions horrible images of people suffering because the spirits there can sense you are psychic and want acknowledgement of their suffering or want help to transition. or hear screams or people suffering Entities visiting you at home.

5.     This is something I didn’t think of but someone else pointed out. Often paranormal investigation occurs in old buildings and these buildings can be riddled with dilapidated areas, rotting floors, broken walls etc which is a danger obviously but also asbestos and lead paint peeling off walls could be a health hazard for some. Not all paranormal investigations occur in old building but it is something to be aware of. Also, dust can trigger allergies and bad smells can can make some people want to vomit. 

6.     People don’t research the building first and the activities or happenings in the building. Not all spirits want to communicate as I found while working as a paranormal tour guide. AND they can be annoyed with living people assuming they can roam in and out of their bedrooms with nil respect for the spirits present. 
 Another point the type of building to and I will give an old hospital as an example… to the spirits there it is still a functioning workplace and they detest unnecessary noise and noisy people and equipment such as the spirit box as I found out. Dowsing rods and gadgets with light are acceptable but no noise.

7.     Black magic, occult and ritual ceremonial sites are often held in old unused buildings and this activity can leave vulnerable people open to summoned entity attachment and walking through magically enhanced locations, portals, blood sacrifice sites in buildings.  This negative energy may possibly disrupting your mind and body functioning. The magic won’t necessarily attach to you but walking through it isn’t healthy either.

8.     Some locations are out of phone range, so in case of an emergency make sure you have a first aid kit on hand and know where the closest hospital is located if you need to make a dash.

9.     Being around spirits and dark entities during investigations can drain your energy and leave you tired, lethargic or heightened. I go that was… I get so heightened sometimes, I talk faster, and my brain speed is overloaded. In the past, I found it took me 3 hours for my energy to settle before I could go to bed. 

10. Depending on where you investigate and the cleanliness of the location, there may be physically annoying or harmful elements such as mosquitos, biting ants, rats, other biting rodents or small animals… used needles can be a big health issue.

11. Always wear long-sleeved tops and jeans or other full-length trousers, solid shoes or boots NO thongs or flipflops or open toes shoes or sandals. You would think this is obvious but NO, on tour we had guests turn up in open-toed shoes and sometimes we had people turn up slightly inebriated and we didn’t realise until the tour was in full swing. Drugs, alcohol and delinquent behaviours before or during paranormal investigation do not mix. So don’t do it.

12. Be ethical and respectful when investigating… spirits and dark entities can read your energy and ego and rudeness will not go down well with the spirit locals and you may get nil communication.

13. Lastly, don’t go onto private property without express permission to do paranormal investigations… there can be legal consequences. Angering property owners is not a good way to go. Be open and honest about what you are doing and you will be fine. I have investigated local accommodation places here in Hobart, one was well known for hauntings and the other not and when I booked the accommodation usually in off-peak season, the proprietors were ok with us quietly roaming around at night recording and talking.


Can anyone be a paranormal investigator?

Yes indeed, but after hearing the information I have shared today and you have done some of your own, you need to make up your own mind if you want to or not, if you are ready or not and there is no shame in not being ready because once you open the door to the spirit world around us there is no going back. 

If you are eager, I would recommend doing some investigations with seasoned investigators first to gain knowledge and most of all to be safe. Best to see if it is for you before spending hard earned dollars on equipment because believe me, as much as I love the psychic side of paranormal investigation, I do love my spirit box, cat balls and ghost metre pro equipment and that was a $500 spend, well worth it though.

So, in episode I04, this is part one of bodily signs and symptoms of paranormal presence. People have asked me to put all the possible signs and symptoms of sensing entities into one episode for easy reference. That would be a rather long listen so I have broken the information into 2 episodes. So stay tuned next week to get the lowdown on how our bodies sense an may react to paranormal presence around us.

Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at 

For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:  

I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.

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