Perfectly Paranormal
If you want to understand how dark and demonic entities in our environment can affect you, your family, pets and home, then this is the podcast for you. You explore the REAL RELEVANT relatable stories & usable tips and tricks to recognise and combat paranormal influence. I work as an energetic house clearer and have studied the paranormal for 35+ years and I share the information in an educational non-fear-based approach and you will discover that dark beings are not as scary as you think!
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You can send your paranormal questions, comments and stories to Anna: spiritualbeing44@gmail.com
For paranormal house clearing: https://www.spiritualbe-ing.com.au
Perfectly Paranormal
#109 Who is in charge... Demons, Angels, Us or is it all just chaos?
Have you ever wondered who or what is in charge of all the energy beings residing in the Earth's reality? Well, Liz from Canada asked that very question. I have a multilayered answer as usual, giving a few different perspectives from what I know about Angels, Demons and Spirits, their level of abilities, what they are allowed to do in our reality and who is in control.
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Email Anna: spiritualbeing44@gmail.com and your stories can be included in my podcast. Names are changed to protect your privacy.
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A definitive guide to understanding dark beings & why they are here:
Available on Amazon.com.au - type - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt
INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC: Pixabay.com - Deep in the dell by Geoff Harvey, Creepy whispering by Raspberry Tickle Creepy music box by Modification1089, Terror...
Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Hello and here we are at Perfectly Paranormal episode I09
My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today we have another question from Liz in Canada. Liz asks the best questions and this one did not disappoint - Who or what is in control of all the layers of paranormal beings and entities around us especially in one place all together and Liz writes:
Hello again Anna, I hope all is wonderful with you. Your response to my question in episode #94 about does music soothe the savage beast, made me wonder what kind of control do the higher ranking entities have over the different spirits around, whether the different spirits be benevolent or others from a darker domain. What I think I mean is, if for example again, all the different kinds of spirits were in a concert hall, (and say they're all enjoying a stunning concert) who would be the one keeping everyone safe and in check? I'd like to think the angelic beings are in charge but wonder if they have some kind of arrangement between them. Like rules. And say some of the spirits there are our loved ones in the never after hanging around the audience members, will they flee if they know a high ranking member from the dark side is present?
So who or what is really in control? You'll say we are? Maybe? Ultimately, I suspect that's true but would also love to know your opinion and thoughts.
On the other hand, if this is stupendously too stupid a question to ask, well, let's just ignore this whole email. Love from Liz in Toronto.
First off there are NO stupid questions about the paranormal. It is an unknown area of knowledge and no human knows it all but we can observe from our own experiences and form our own deductions and opinions.
This is an interesting question and I love the way Liz thinks with an element of curiosity and a thought-provoking perspective about the paranormal world around us.
Ok, so are we as humans in control… absolutely NOT… not possible. We are only in control of ourselves – our thoughts, words, actions and reactions. What I have been told by the angelic beings is that they aren’t in control either. They can’t interfere in the Dark Realm’s actions or the spirits roaming the Earth… Everything comes down to willpower and intention.
The way I see it is that many levels of spirits, dark and demonic level entities can be all existing in the same place at the same time all with their own agendas and possibly aware of each other or not. Are spirits frightened of dark or demonic beings? I don’t know, no spirit has ever told me yes or no on that one. Do demonic beings think they are in control… probably as they have a strong presence and like to think they are in control.
How I can explain in more detail using Liz’s example of: if all the different kinds of spirits and entities were in a concert hall, and say they're all enjoying a stunning concert, who would be the one keeping everyone safe and in check?
My answer is NOONE. They are doing their own thing possibly aware of each other and possibly not or possibly not wanting to be aware of the other entities especially the dark ones if they frighten them.
So, what could be happening in the one space:
SPIRITS can be reliving a loop of their previous existence with their families, or in their favourite place, say at the concert hall as a performer enjoying the performance or maybe they are lonely and the people at the concert hall satisfy their need for company, or they ate located where they died or sometimes as malevolent in life, their soul energy is still the same in death until they cross into the light and they have devious deeds in mind. Personalities are soul based not from the physical body. Spirits like all other entities have their own agendas and may ignore the darker entities out of fear or not really caring who they are or may not feel their presence as they go about their business as earth bound spirits.
DARK BEINGS are the mischief makers - deployed from the dark realm or rebel factions doing their own naughty things loving to stir emotions and responses in us humans by manipulating our digital and electronic environments such as flickering lights and causing internet issues causing grief to us humans and sitting back and having a giggle. Dark beings can be in the employ of demonic entities as part of a ‘team’ and do they do the hard work of riling us up for the higher ranking entities to feed off? I often think of the Dark Realm as a military set up with all the different ranks right up to the Legion generals and dark beings are the privates doing what they are told by the higher ranks.
DEMONIC ENTITIES are in places because of the enticing vibrations we leave behind in places and on the land AND also they can be feeding of spirit’s emotional baggage that can keep them here because of unresolved issues, or how they died, or realisations of bad behaviours and creating negative emotional energy and hanging around in places wishing to get the attention of loved ones and reconcile their differences and being able to pass into the light after the interaction has occurred.
They may still be on a job with an agenda say as a performer in the concert hall example or having time off simply enjoying the beautiful music as Liz observed in the theatre. I often think the demonic entities desire our simpler lives with the freedom we have for the choices we make.
Overall, there is no one person, angelic being or group of dark energy beings in control of the other in the Earth's reality. I imagine it would be quite chaotic if we could see and hear, well some of us feel some of the goings on to some level of all the dimensions overlapping in the same places at the same time.
On another level, I recently had some totally new interactions with another level of energy beings present around us... magic and summoned entities and THEY add a trickier element to the presence of energy beings around us. They travel with those whom they have been summoned to create bad luck or cause life disasters.
And I almost forgot … there is another level of beings present… the elementals. Usually, nature carers being the pixies, faeries, gnomes and also trolls that I know of residing outside but they can go into places or get trapped in places or even enjoy our human trinkets and lifestyles and hang around us like a bad smell… and I used that phrase because of the troll type beings who sometimes reside in human places and let off bad smells. I have had a few experiences with these beings such as back in episodes 4 and 95. So check out those episodes if you want to get to know troll habits in detail.
So, in episode 110 you get a somewhat eye-opening look into the sordid lives of sex entities, both freelance and summoned: a rather fascinating type of energy being, not harmful but more than a little pleased to make you happy. I know I did do a whole episode on sex entities back in episode 11 but they were the freelancing entities not the summoned ones and I have learnt more about these… can I say fun loving entities from other people sharing their experiences and these beings are not necessarily what you think. So, tune in next week for a possibly shocking for some, a giggle for others episode and definitely learn about the strange paranormal world around us.
Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at spiritualbeing44@gmail.com
For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:
I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.