Perfectly Paranormal

#108 What annoys demonic entities? The 5 top tips

Anna Schmidt Episode 108

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Do you wonder what annoys demonic entities??? well, I had this very question from Kate and I thought you might like to hear my thoughts and observations on this as I have had some strange and downright frightening experiences over the years when I annoyed demonic entities as a newbie to energy work. I learnt the hard way and never forgot the lessons learnt.

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Available on - type - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt

Deep in the dell by Geoff Harvey, Creepy whispering by Raspberry Tickle Creepy music box by Modification1089, Terror...

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)  

Hello and here we are at Perfectly Paranormal episode I08

My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today, I have a question from Kate who asks ‘What annoys demonic entities?’. I thought you might like to hear my thoughts and observations on this as I have had some strange and downright frightening experiences over the years when I annoyed demonic entities as a newbie to energy work. I learnt the hard way and never forgot the lessons learnt.


I have my top 5 demon annoying topics ready to share, so let’s get into it…


No. I on our list… EGO - People who live in ego and transfer this destructive characteristic into paranormal investigation or bragging and boasting about dark entities in negative ways or talking about their tally of demon slaying scores will get a rude awakening in one way or another by disgruntled entities. Back in episode 8, Ken bragged about his demon score when clearing a property in the US and all he did was to upset the beings and got me involved through his bragging emails. Have a listen if you want to hear the full story.

 And this is a biggie… people who think they can summon and control demonic entities. These beings have a mind of their own even if under contract.

 Also, a lady who proudly declared herself to be a demon slayer, the head of a family of demon slayers and when I visited her, her home’s energy was ballistic because of her ego x negative intentions towards dark entities in the environment. She called them out, they came and she wondered why life was literally hell. If you want to hear the full story, have a listen to episode 5.
 DISRESPECT comes in second on our list. All energy beings from spirits and elementals right through to the big boys in the darkest of dark realms deserve respect. They all have reasons why they are here and many have jobs to do and who is to say that we aren’t overlapping with their reality and we are in their space.

People performing exorcisms need to be respectful of the client but also the entity or entities they are dealing with. These beings usually transfer to the person doing the energy clearing so you need super sealed energetic protection so they just sit around the outside of your protection and you can then send them on their way OR they can enter the energy field/s of  other people in the room at the time the cleansing work is being done if they are fearful or unprotected. I have seen this happen and then had to cleanse the other person of the hitchhiking entity.

comes in as no.3 and is a problem when people spread mistruths such the behaviours and actions of dark entities whether through conversations, video, investigations of haunted sites or in paranormal horror movies. It is interesting to observe social media platforms and how people thrive on dark attack and paranormal horror but when people like me come along and share a different perspective, most people aren’t interested in what I have experience in reality when working with these entities.


UNDERSTANDING WHEN TO STEP AWAY… this comes in at no.4… I found out the hard way. In my early days of coming to terms with my paranormal addiction, during paranormal house clearing work, I had a few experiences where I overstepped the boundaries and was smacked back down to size… energetically not physically.

There are some places in the world where energy clearing work is a no go zone. These places are so corrupted by human satanic behaviours that they cannot be safely cleansed without causing major life disruption to the person doing the energy work and possibly the family and pets living under the same roof. I was pulled into one clearing job by a client who didn’t really want the job done but more so to complain and dramatise about it her situation.

 Another client set up masses of magic entities in her home as a booby trap to cause me mental, emotional and physical problems, I received the job as a referral from a fellow house healer because he couldn’t do it. When I realised what she was up to, I politely refunded her the clearing fee she had paid and said the job was complex and she needed a magic practitioner specialising in property clearing to do the job. This point ties into ego, disrespect, misinformation and harmful intent. I am not embarrassed to step away from jobs if my skills aren’t suited to the situation or if they are dangerous. I have had an entity attack on me and my home before because of misinformation and intended harmful intent so I know when to step down now and let it go.


And coming in at no.5… RELIGIOUS ARTIFACTS … These items do and don’t annoy demons in the ways you might expect. People who think that burning incense and sacred herbs will shift demonic entities from people, homes or other places or people brandishing the cross or a crucifix and calling entities out to face God…. That is a NO. A persons’ faith will give them confidence and a level or empowerment and protection but most people carry a level of fear around demons and this corrupts and weakens their personal power. Each situation is different and depends on why the entity or number of entities are in the place or around the person in the first place and the density of the vibrations attracting the entities.

And as for the shouting the name of Jesus at demons… I have found that this doesn’t pack the punch that people think it does. Jesus‘s name has power; it is a beautiful powerful loving vibration BUT is that matched by the person using it or is it just used in a flippant way with no belief backing it up? AND depending again on the number of entities present and why they are there.

Well, that wraps it up for our top 5  demon annoying practices and behaviours, I hope this information has given you food for thought about how you think about the dark paranormal world around us.

 So, in episode I09, we have another question from Liz in Canada. Liz observes entities around her and asks the best questions and this one did not disappoint - Who or what is in control of all the layers of paranormal beings and entities around us especially if in one place. So, stay tuned to hear what multiple layers of paranormals can get up to and who holds the power.

Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at 

For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:  

I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.






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