Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)
Hello and here we are at Perfectly Paranormal episode 110
My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today you get a somewhat eye-opening look into the sordid lives of sex entities, both freelance and summoned: a rather fascinating type of energy being, not harmful but more than a little pleased to make you happy. I know I did do a whole episode on sex entities back in episode 11 but I have learnt more about these… can I say fun loving entities from other people telling me their experiences. And they are not necessarily what you think.
Before we start, for those of you who might be a bit frightened at the thought of sex entities, I will say they aren’t harmful but more so annoying. They hang around you like love infatuated groupies sent on a mission to do well you all know by their name. I move them on quick smart as I am energetically well protected and they can’t get close in the way they want to.
So I hear you thinking, how do I know they are sex entities… I am sharing full details in the second experience where a lady and I compare notes on the signs and symptoms of sex entity presence. But I will say this now, they try to touch the parts of your body associated with sex and love making… it is as simple as that. They like to slap me on the inner thigh and tough my boobs… which was alarming to start with but a good way to discern the type of entity I am dealing with.
So, we will start with my rather funny problem I came home to after a weekend away and I have called this experience : The orgy of entities waiting for me
Some of you might be horrified as I share this short experience but I am used to all sorts of entities in my home because of the work I do, so it has become part of the norm. I arrived home rather tired to a house brimming with sex entities of the summoned kind after being away for 4 days during full moon time in mid November 2024. Some girlfriends and I visited a local… well 4 hours’ drive away, haunted site here in Tasmania for some time to connect with the lovely spirits in a now unused hospital and the nurse’s accommodation on the west coast of Tasmania and I joked with the ladies about the sex entities waiting for me when I get home. I know the regular habits of the magic practitioners now after 3 years these beings every new moon and full moon.
As my friend pulled up the driveway and I got out of the car, collecting my bags from the boot, I felt movement around my energy field and the heat that comes with summoned entities. ‘Here we go”, I thought and I grabbed my bags and slowly wandered inside. They all came rushing at me like a wave of energy, trying to touch my body and I said, “Alright settle down” and I sat at my dining room table and dowsed the numbers out of curiosity and it was quite funny… I lost track after 220 entities. I sat there in amazement, rolling my eyes, mouth open, tired but still amazed, thinking, Sex Man really did go out of his way this weekend.
The beings had been roaming around my house for the last 4 days probably scratching their heads wondering where I was… anyway they were peacefully removed and I went to bed that night with no interference from touches, pokes, prods, or slaps from unseen intruders.
Now for our second experience that gave a lady confirmation about experiences she had had in the past and didn’t know what they were or who to share with and I have called this experience: Sex on the job
I was out with some girlfriends one night and we got talking about the paranormal as you do and the conversation moved onto magic interference as I had done some clearing work for one of the ladies and she had questions and as we were sitting there I let loose on the sex entity topic and one of the ladies, Betty just looked at me blank faced and said I have experienced this… AT WORK.
We all looked at each other as she unfolded her long held secret, now feeling safe to share with people who would understand and not judge. She said on a few occasions she had felt the ecstasy of sexual stimulation while sitting at her desk quietly going about her work and typing on the computer. She said it was the oddest thing and she thought she had imagined it. But now, wow, other have experienced this too.
I was sitting there listening and knowing the exact feeling she described, one of the other ladies with us too was nodding as she and I discussed weird sexual feelings that couldn’t be explained in the last 3 years. Laura and I have been under magic attack which we shared back in episodes 11 and 100 and sex magic was one of the practices used.
Here in very simple terms are the symptoms we have experienced in the past usually at the new moon and full moon time when the entities are deployed to do their worst:
1. Extreme mental, emotional and physical desires for sex that came out of nowhere, day and night that didn’t go away until I worked out what was happening and put some blocks in place for us both.
2. Sexual dreams of the weirdest nature disturbing our sleep patterns.
3. Bodily symptoms of constant heat and pulsing sensations on the skin between your legs.
4. Feeling like you are being touched in private places when you are doing other routine daily activities such as watering the garden or for me working from home on the computer and feeling suddenly aroused or Laura doing housework or while on a walk or even driving the car.
5. Feeling odd or strange sensations in, on or around the reproductive organs, and sacral and base chakra areas.
And I will say neither Laura nor myself have sexual issues or mental or emotional issues or trauma around sex or sexual behaviours and sex is not on top of my list of things I think about. I am happily single and busy focussing on my house-clearing work and podcasting, which take up 8 – 10 or even more hours of every day.
The experiences and symptoms we had make me wonder how many other people are affected by these symptoms and their sexual habits are being compromised by outside influences for devious reasons and they think something is wrong with them.
It took me a while but I crafted some solid protection practices which I experimented with on myself first before giving to Laura and now the entities still come into both of our houses but they have no effect on us… no weird dreams, ravenous sexual desires or weird bodily sensations and the entities are moved on into the Light quick smart.
I trust this episode didn’t freak you out too much, it was designed to educate and share what I know about these fiendishly naughty entities and no one else talks about this topic. So, if you have strange sexual issues that are not medical or mental health or trauma based then it might have an energetic cause and finding an energy clearer who understands magic and how it works can assist in ridding you of unnecessary sexual distractions ruining your life.
So, in episode III, I thought it was about time I talked about my book called: The Darkness Around Us. I call it a handbook to understanding darkness so you live in the light. This book aims to educate the reader by demystifying the Dark Realm and its inhabitants as we live in a shared environment filled with invisible energy beings, and awareness of their tactics and intentions is essential for maintaining our well-being and harmonious surroundings. I shared some of the signs and symptoms outlined in the book back in episodes I04 and I05, if you want to have a listen, there is an extensive list.
There are 6 chapters outlining the different types and levels of dark entities, signs and symptoms of their presence, attachment methods, some sensible solutions to avoid dark entities and how to move on spirits, paranormal addiction and where dark entities go when they choose to defect from the Dark Realm. So, stay tune for this informative upcoming episode.
Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal
experiences or have a question, email me at spiritualbeing44@gmail.com
For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:
I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.