Perfectly Paranormal

#105 PART 2 - Your bodily signs & symptoms of paranormal presence

Anna Schmidt

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Have you ever wondered why you feel a particular way and your doctor can't find the problem or solution??? In this episode, you will hear part 2 of bodily signs and symptoms of paranormal presence as we unpack all the possible physical signs in the body and on the body, changes in motor functioning, facial behaviours and distortions, and detrimental changes in sleeping and eating patterns.  

DISCLAIMER: Always consult your doctor or mental health professional first before assuming you have an energetic attachment. Energetic attachment symptoms can mimic mild or severe medical, emotional, or mental health conditions. If your doctors give you the all clear, you can then look for other reasons, such as a possible energetic cause for your issue.

MARIJUANA ADDICTION AND ENTITIES: Hilly’s story - Episodes 47 and 70



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A definitive guide to understanding dark beings & why they are here:
Available on - type - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt

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Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)  

Hello and here we are at Perfectly Paranormal episode 105

My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today, you will hear part 2 of bodily signs and symptoms of paranormal presence as we unpack all the possible physical signs in the body and on the body, changes in motor functioning and facial behaviours and distortions, changes in sleep and eating patterns.  

NOTE:Always consult your doctor or mental health professional first before assuming you have an energetic attachment. Energetic attachment symptoms can mimic mild or severe medical, emotional, or mental health conditions. If your doctors give you the all-clear, you can then look for other reasons, such as a possible energetic cause.

Common signs indicating energetic attachment to people

So let’s dive straight into:

Physical signs within the body

  • Instantaneous excessive saliva production not attributed to a medical condition.
  • Sudden excessively watering eyes for no medical reason. EXAMPLE: This happened to a mate of mind when he entered my house. We were talking in the kitchen when suddenly his eyes started excessively watering… no medical reason. It was caused by an energy being who was present in my home at that time, who was defensive against male energy.
  • Sudden coughing fits or sharp pain or tightness in the throat. EXAMPLE: One day, I had a dark energy being poke me in the throat to stop me from talking to a client about a house clearing. I coughed and coughed and coughed while the client looked at me in a helpless state. After five minutes, the feeling in my throat eventually went, and I could talk again. 
  • Experiencing a sudden upset stomach, not attributed to a medical cause. 
  • Excessive tiredness, lethargy, or unexplainable sudden illness in the mind or body, not attributed to a medical cause.
  • This is a funny one… burping and belching with no rational cause. I experienced this when I tuned into a property to do an energy clearing. It was my reaction to the sorcery and magic booby traps that had been set up within the property to disrupt me and my thinking. My body reacts in the strangest ways to paranormal and magic interference.


 Physical signs on the body  

  • Being nudged, pulled, shoved, pinched, or poked when wake or in bed heading off into sleep. We can experience body jolts when relaxing into sleep or moving into different sleep states, but if the movements are harsh, repetitive, or increasing in intensity, something energetic may be trying to get your attention.
  • You may experience random electric shocks or zaps on your body, usually on the legs or arms. The severity of the zap can be slight or quite intense, depending on the intent of the dark energy being delivering the blast. Some of them are pretty spiteful. EXAMPLE: I had experienced strong shocks that made me jump when I was nearly asleep in my chair one night, and I firmly reprimanded whoever it was and told it to go away. Standing in your power can work wonders, especially if they don’t think you have it in you!
  • Feel intoxicated and disorientated when you haven’t had anything to drink; you exhibit slurring words, wild behaviours, and clumsiness.
  • Feelings of heaviness or pressure on your chest when lying in bed which may inhibit breathing or sleeping.
  • Feel cold all the time, even though you are wearing plenty of clothing. The coldness can be close to the body or in your energy field, ranging up to one metre from the body.
  • Unexplained bruises or scratches appear for no rational reason, either when asleep, in private or in front of other people. EXAMPLE: This happened to a client of mine infront of her friends and it totally freaked them all out. She had experienced a deep trauma which she didn’t get mental health care for and the entities who like the grief vibration found their way to her. Once the grief was removed energetically and she sort councelling, her outlook improved and her vibration didn’t attract the entities again.

Changes in motor function

  • You may experience changes in your body’s motor functionality, such as different or irregular walking patterns, experiencing unnatural clumsiness and knocking into furniture, or tripping over invisible obstacles when lower vibrational beings are present. EXAMPLE: I have also experienced changes in my hand function, such as constantly dropping objects or having difficulty holding cutlery.
  • A sudden feeling like your lower legs are heavy and immobile, similar to wearing a plaster cast or moon boots, and the sensation does not disappear. This I have experienced on many occasions.


This next section is a little strange and odd but I have experienced each and every one of these signs and symptoms:

Facial gestures and oral functional changes

  • Facial twitching or changes in speech patterns such as drawn-out words, changes in the tone of voice, and sudden unusual jaw, tongue, or lip movements. EXAMPLE: Paranormal beings affect my speech bigtime. I can go from being totally normal to not being able to string a sentence together. This is a combination of my brain and oral functioning being hit with confused thinking and my mouth just not working.
  • Facial features can contort, making the person look different to their usual selves - eyes bulge, the mouth changes shape, or eye expressions look different. EXAMPLE: This happened to a friend of mine during her spiritual practices. She wanted to connect to particular esoteric writings and she got entity attachment of the worst kind instead. Her eyes bulged and her mouth changes shape so much that she couldn’t wear her false teeth. She returned to normal after extensive energetic clearing to rid her of the entity attachment.
  • Sudden changes in oral or face movements include unusual nose twitches, pulling faces, or twisting facial features. Excessively blowing raspberries (when not a typical personal trait or as a joke with friends), excessive lip-biting or tongue-biting while eating, and particular teeth hurting suddenly (a non-medical or dental issue). EXAMPLE: I was at a meditation group one night when something flew up my nose… no, not a fly… but something energetic and over the next 2 weeks it would suddenly push my nose to the left for yes and right for no when answer questions. I finally worked out that it was a trickster elemental being who once identified fled and never came back.
  • Detrimental changes in skin colour texture and experience strange unexplainable prickly or skin-crawling sensations on or under the skin. Example: I saW this in a few of my clients when they moved into new homes. Their bodies couldn’t cope with the entities in the property and it showed in their skin. Once the properties were energetically cleaned up, their skin returned back to their normal colour.


Sleep pattern changes

  • Experiencing detrimental changes in sleep patterns or increasing sleep disturbances such as insomnia or constant waking during the night. Short or long-term night terrors or nightmares can increase, signifying dark energy presence. Also sleep paralysis, a lot of people talk about this. Sleep paralysis is when your brain is awake but your body is still asleep, in REM sleep. People say they see or feel the presence of entities and this may be because of the inbetween energy state they are in.
  • Dreams may turn nasty, and you see ghostly figures, demonic faces, flashes of violence, or your personal fears start to manifest in your dreams. Fear demons love to use our fears to create emotional food while in a dream state. 

Escalation of addictive behaviours

  • For people with addictive issues, excessive cravings for addictive behaviours, such as alcohol, smoking, drugs, or gambling, may radically increase. The desires invade your mind during the day and night and can even penetrate your dreams and feel impossible to control. 
  • Partaking in dangerous actions or behaviours in unsafe places with reckless abandon. Even though you know what you are doing is treacherous, you feel energetically heightened and invincible.


Extreme changes in eating habits

  • Excessive changes in eating behaviours including eating rapidly, vomiting up food for no medical reason, eating more or less than your typical daily consumption, craving food types that you know are not good for you. Then creating negative emotions such as guilt, disgust or feeling ashamed because you have eaten inappropriate foods or amounts of food.


This was a client CASE STUDY back in 2020

Jenny contacted me to say she felt unwell and was experiencing extreme sugar cravings like she had never encountered before. Along with her sugar cravings, she was experiencing stomach aches and felt mentally disorientated. I tuned into Jenny’s energy field and found three dark energies hiding in the ‘Etheric body” layer in Jenny’s energy field. The etheric layer is the layer closest to the physical body. Jenny’s own protection methods had stopped the energy beings from entering her physical body, so they lingered quite happily in her energy field, causing havoc. After I removed the energies, Jenny’s sugar cravings stopped.

The above information is not an excuse to blame dark energy for negative happenings in our lives, but more so awareness about sudden, excessive changes that may suggest an energetic attachment. I am a prime example; I am highly self-aware of how my energy feels, the types of thoughts I create, my eating, and other regular habits, and I instantly know when there is a change that suggests a dark energy attachment is present. 

So, in episode I06, you are in for a treat, we have Alexandra Blair, a well known astrologist here with us today to share her paranormal experiences WITH YOU including the kitchen caper, trickster entities in her bedroom, the dark attachment and how she overcame her fear of dark paranormal beings. So stay tuned for next week’s fascinating episode with Alexandra.

Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at 

For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:  

I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.

MARIJUANA ADDICTION AND ENTITIES : Hilly’s story - Episodes 47 and 70



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