Perfectly Paranormal

#111 My Book - The Darkness Around Us - A handbook to understanding the darkness so you live in the light

Anna Schmidt

In this eye-opening episode, I share the in-depth book I wrote to educate people about the dark energy world around us in a non-fear-based way. I share 110 REAL life experiences and RELEVANT USEFUL information that helps you safely navigate the darkness around us understanding who these entities are, their tactics and what you need to know to avoid them.

A definitive guide to understanding dark beings & why they are here:
Available on Amazon - type in - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt


Midnight in the Chapel and The Sorcerer by Geoff Harvey

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A definitive guide to understanding dark beings & why they are here:
Available on - type - The Darkness Around Us Anna Schmidt

Deep in the dell by Geoff Harvey, Creepy whispering by Raspberry Tickle Creepy music box by Modification1089, Terror...

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)  

Hello and here we are at Perfectly Paranormal episode 111

My name is Anna Schmidt, and I'm here every week to share with you true paranormal encounters and information about devils, demons and dark energy beings that no one else talks about. Today, today I thought it was about time I shared my book called: The Darkness Around Us and what it was like to write a book about darkness with an overseer from the dark realm watching every step.

I call my book a handbook to understanding darkness so you live in the light. This book came about from over 30+ years of my observing entities through personal experiences and friend and client experiences. The book aims to educate the reader by demystifying the Dark Realm and its inhabitants as we live in a shared environment filled with invisible energy beings all the time. As you know, awareness of their tactics and intentions is essential for maintaining our well-being and harmonious surroundings. I shared some of the signs and symptoms outlined in the book back in episodes I04 and I05.

 I write in simple easy to understand language so I have been told by one lady reading through the night and finishing the 300+ pages in one sit. She said she couldn’t put it down.

So let’s step into unpacking the 6 chapters, why I was pushed to write such a book and who watched over me every step of the way.

I always say I am not a writer. I haven’t done any creative writing courses or been to uni. I always thought I didn’t have the skills by human standards BUT when you are badgered by higher and lower powers to write a book to help people understand the often feared topic in a not-fear based way. I finally caved in and started the process. I am very methodical that works well with book writing and organising information.

As soon as I started the process, the energy of my home changed… not necessarily in a bad way but it felt different… I had a visitor and he had two reasons why he was here and this is how I shared the encounters in my book.

I called MY EXPERIENCE: The minder

There are all sorts of spirit guides, including regular spirit guides, spirit animals, Ascended Masters, Angels, and Arch Angels. People often ask, "Can we only have high vibrational spirit guides?" and my answer is" No". Sometimes, you have to think outside the box; we all have different needs, and the appropriate helper will be provided for a particular purpose. 

Well, I had a dark energy guide who made himself known early in 2021. He prefers to be called a minder, as ‘spirit guide’ is not part of his vocabulary. Believe it or not, Management approved him to be here as Light and Dark beings can work together to help us with our specific needs. 

I did some dowsing to ask about him because I am a sticky beak and wanted to understand his purpose here and our connection. The answers were rather interesting - He hasn't lived as a human. He is a dark energy being assigned to me as a helper/ minder to oversee the writing of the book, and as a mediator for the transitioning work I do with dark entities into the Afterlife. He didn’t give me a name and communicated through telepathy. He wasn’t harmful, as you might imagine. I respected his presence and received the same back.

As I worked with negotiating and clearing dark and demonic level beings, he was assigned as a protector and mediator. His presence adds a level of assurance to the  beings as they are being cleared from people and their homes. It is almost like I have the tick of approval if he is present. 

He is also present at this side of the threshold into the Afterlife, and his presence provides a sense of safety and security for apprehensive dark beings. The Arch Angels are also present but standing in the background overseeing the flow of the transitioning process. Their energy can agitate some lower vibrational beings because of past incidents, but the minder assures them of their safety as they journey into a new existence.

Our connection goes back six lifetimes, so he says. I have had many past lives where I have worked with supernatural forces. I am not fazed by him, but his energy is quite heavy compared to the high vibrational beings I normally work with.  I am sure he is learning as much from me as I am from him, and we had to work on his level of patience to start with. As soon as the sun was up at 5 am, I would receive a nudge on my back, which I would ignore, puff my pillow and pull the blanket over my head. Again, 5 minutes later, a nudge, slightly firmer this time and I would hear in my head, "Work time'. We quickly established a daily paranormal clearing routine to keep him happy!

The morning nudges have become a bit of a joke. Do dark energy beings have a sense of humour? I think so, or he has learnt to relax and developed one. If I ignore the nudges, he moves to constantly poking my legs. 'Five more minutes", is my reply, blanket over my head, a quick snooze and then I get up.

When I left the house, he sometimes went where I went and watched in the background. He told me he has other jobs and comes and goes as he pleases. If people come to my home, he will observe our interaction – laughter, jokes and gossip, and psychically sensitive friends notice a distinct change in the room's energy when he enters. 'Unsettling', one friend describes the feel of his energy, but his presence is a good lesson in sensing darker vibrations. 

Another time a friend felt something close to her face, not touching, just looking, and she stared at me with wide-open eyes signalling, 'Help me.' Now when she enters my house, she yells out 'Hello helper' and makes herself a cup of tea, unfazed by his presence. 

So now we have the overseer out of the way, let’s look at the contents of the book

There are 6 chapters and more than 110 real-life experiences, which I have collected over 30 years of my personal and work-related experiences with dark energy beings and as you know they are not as scary as you think!

Chapter 1: The Dark Dwellers
This is where I look at 17 different levels of paranormal beings, what they do, who they are and why they are here. I shared some information back in ep.85.

Dark energies abide by different rules than we do. Their energetic feel (or vibration) is denser, and so are their perceived intentions, so we assume they are ‘evil’ by our standards. But who are we to decide what is evil? A tiny percentage of dark energies choose to be rebels, but most, from my experience, are not. Through my house healing and paranormal clearing work, I am finding that no matter how dense, dark, or ominous the energy being seems, it will still respond to respect – the universal law of what you put out is what you get back.

There is a hierarchy amongst dark energy beings, just as there is a hierarchy of light beings. I clarified these from least detrimental to most detrimental under headings of observers, feeders, and the controllers. Spirits, heavier energies, and trapped souls or suicide souls are not dark energy beings, but I have included information concerning them because they have an energetic presence that some people fear. Also, to demonstrate the contrast between different levels of non-physical energy beings.

Chapter 2: Signs and symptoms  

'Energetic attachment' is a broad term I use to describe how energy beings connect to us.  This chapter looks at a range of signs and symptoms of energetic attachment that I have recorded during my many years working in the energy clearing industry. They can sometimes attach to our energy fields, physical or energy bodies, objects or places we inhabit for various reasons covered in detail in the following chapters. 

You will also read the term ‘Management’; this terminology refers to the higher vibrational realms and covers all Light beings from spirit guides right through to God, Source, Creator energy. These benevolent energy beings assist us in times of need.

The best way to understand how non-physical beings operate is by reading the real-life experiences shared throughout the book or indeed on this podcast. I give relevant examples of actual experiences from my personal interactions and case studies from my client-based work as a house healer, spirit clearer, and energy field clearer. I have learnt a lot over 30 years + from my own experiences with all levels of non-physical beings. This learning has helped me form methods and techniques to shift detrimental energies from people’s energy fields, homes, and the land itself with grace, respect, and compassion.

DISCLAIMER: Throughout the book, I recommend you see your doctor first to rule out a medical or mental health cause for your condition before assuming you have an energetic attachment as the signs and symptoms can mimic each other. 

If medical professionals give you the all-clear, then see a healer or energy clearer to inspect your energy field and body from a different perspective than your doctor. Energy workers are highly sensitive to the subtle energy aspects around us, including geopathic, EMF and paranormal energy. They use their specific energy modalities to sense and remove energetic irregularities in the environment and people’s energy fields and bodies.

You get the low down on ALL signs and symptoms in episodes 104 and 105 of this podcast, and I also added some new symptoms I have learnt about since 2021.


Chapter 3: Attachment methods

Attachment is a term you will find used frequently throughout the book to describe when your personal energy field or body, home, pet’s energy field, or objects are compromised by damaging outside energetic sources. Dark beings asyou hear in this podcast all the time,they are primarily attracted to energetic food sources, such as detrimental emotions created from negative thoughts, actions, and reactions.  Also, trauma and addiction energy stored in people’s energy fields, energy or physical bodies, or energetically imprinted onto objects and places can also attract lower vibration energy beings.

Attachment methods can occur through your extremely negative thoughts, emotional and mental states attracting the dark energy feeders or by primary or secondary energy cording from outside living peoplesources. If you have nil energy protection around your energy field, entities or cording or portals from the living can attach to your mind, physical body, organs, chakras or meridian lines.

Chapter 3 outlines everything you need to know about forms of energetic attachment.

 Chapter 4: Sensible solutions

For those who want to undertake clearing spirit level or some level of feeder energies such as mischievous, streakers, shockers or auditory infiltrators, I share some simple techniques you can use to clear them from your home or other places. This line of work is not for everyone, and it takes practice, commitment, respect, compassion, and a no-fear attitude.  

Remember to treat them how you would like to be treated with care and respect. Another thing to be aware of is that the more spirit level clearing work you do, your vibe and intention will attract spirits wanting help and they can come 24/7… the same for darker entities, once they know you are doing this type of work, you can’t hide from them. So you need to establish solid protection around yourself and firm boundaries and rules around work hours or leave the energetic clearing work to those who do it professionally.

 Chapter 5: Paranormal addiction

Paranormal addiction is interesting and real. I can speak and write about it from personal experience and see it in people all too often; the thrill of the adrenaline rush connected to searching for invisible beings and discovering the unknown realms can be very intoxicating and addictive. Obsessive curiosity about non-living beings who coexist within the Earth realm creates a strong vibe or attraction for dark energy beings in homes and personal space, and can become a big problem!

 Paranormal addiction may manifest medical and mental health symptoms and compulsions such as delusional or manic behaviour, panic attacks, excessive sweating, shaking, sleep deprivation, anxiety, vomiting, fear of being alone, or fear of the dark, to name a few. 

I am not commenting on this from a medical perspective, but purely as a professional energy clearer with years of observation experience in this area. I am a paranormal addict so have a personal connection to how it all works.

I covered paranormal addiction fully back in episodes 11 and 21, so give them a listen if you want to hear all the details.

 Chapter 6: The Healing Space

This is a challenging perspective for some. People understand spirits go to the light but often question where dark energy beings go. They ask me, are they welcome in Mass Consciousness? Do they change their ways? And why would God want them? This chapter looks at where dark energy beings go if they choose through free will to transition into the light.

ALL energy beings have souls. We have all come from one Mass Consciousness and can return to this point of origin if we choose so. Dark entities are no dfferent and can often be confused about change, and their self-worth can hold them back from seeking a new level of existence away from the Earth or Dark Realm that they have known for eons. 

I trust you found this episode interesting and when you have the knowledge and clear understanding of what is out there, you improve your self-awareness and make more appropriate life decisions. You consciously choose to raise your vibration and create more positive emotions, therefore avoiding dark energy presence within yourself and your home.

So, in episode 112, you get an in-depth look at orbs, some call them spirit orbs, dust orbs or bugs randomly flying past your camera… So, what are they really and why do we see them? I have information on 8 different types of orbs to share with you so I look forward to spending time with you next week.

Thank you for joining me today and don’t forget if you want to share your paranormal experiences or have a question, email me at 

For information on paranormal house clearing visit my website:  

I look forward to sharing this spooky space with you again next week and remember life is perfectly paranormal.


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